It's my daughters birthday this week, and as every year I'm scrolling through the albums, nostalgia hits me. I'm aware I'm so often behind the lens when it comes to my own family. May I urge all parents to be in the photograph. These photos are so precious to me they were taken this past weekend we braved the snow and rain, thankfully it had all cleared by the time we were shooting. Yet it was cold to say the least.
I'm letting this be a lesson to me but hopefully to you to as parents it's so important. They grow up so very fast, I am not wishing the teen year away - honest I'm no0 - she says through gritted teeth!! But it is a relatively short amount of time before they fly the nest. I just know we will all treasure these photos for years to come. And we are already scheduling in another shoot.
Thank you for taking the time to have a gander at my clan. Incase you're wondering yes I'm nearly the shortest! And I'm not grumpy about it at all!
With Big love